Quick Pay Options



B2B utilizes MyCarrierPackets online portal to onboard new carriers. If you would like to become a certified transportation provider for B2B, please contact a member of our dispatch team. We look forward to assisting you.

B2B Transportation Services, Inc. offers a quick pay option should you want to receive your payment sooner than our normal N15 day terms. This option is available if we do not have an assignment of your receivables to a factoring company. We will accept faxed or emailed documents for MOST loads as long as the documents are clear and legible. In some cases, originals may be required before we can release payment. We will also process your payment on a quick pay basis if you send your documents by mail or by overnight courier. Documents received by noon Pacific Time will be processed the same day. Documents received after noon Pacific time will be processed the next business day. The following quick pay fees apply per load:

  • 3% or $50.00 – whichever is more
  • US overnight courier fee – $36.00, 2nd day – $25 (unless charged to your courier account). Canadian fees are $45.00 for overnight courier.
  • No charge to mail payment by first class mail
  • First-time carriers will need approval

In order to receive quick pay, you need to submit each individual invoice with the original invoice amount, write or type on your invoice “Quick Pay”, show the deduction for the quick pay amount, and a deduction for the overnight courier charge should you wish to receive your payment overnight. All payments will be sent first class mail unless you specify to send it by overnight courier. Failure to show the above outlined deductions on your invoice in addition to the required documentation may result in a delay of processing your request for quick pay.

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Oregon Office

3512 Excel Dr. Suite 101
Medford, OR 97504

Mailing Address

PO Box 3670
Central Point, OR 97502

Toll Free Number

1 (866) 264-4014

Local Number

1 (541) 774-1100

Fax Number

1 (541) 665-0665